Sunday 5 August 2012


       The period between 2006 and 2012 can broadly be classified into the following rapid-fire economic cycles
   with corresponding features of financial markets:
    1.       Boom: during the boom period 2006-12, risk capital or equity funding was in demand. Funds were raised
     thro’ Initial Public Offers  (IPOs), follow on public offers (FPOs), Qualified Institutional Placements (QIPs)
     and Private Equity (PE). The enterprise values (EV) were very high
     2.       Recession: post Lehman crisis, the equity markets- both primary and secondary- have lost their euphoria
     from 2009 onwards. As raising funds at high EVs became difficult, debt-funding became more common.
     Concerned over high inflation, RBI raised key interest rates ( 13 times since March 10), putting the
     borrowers into difficulty, leading to Corporate debt restructuring (CDR) in many cases. CDR exercises
     involve reducing the debt burdens of the company by methods such as reduction in interest rates, longer
     repayments, conversion of debt into equity etyc. Creditors are to be convinced about the viability of the
     company with such reduced debt burden
     3.       Stimulus driven : Concessions etc. can improve the viability; turn-arounds can happen with adequate
     concessions, stimuli etc.
     4.       Stagflation
    source THE HINDU BUSINESS LINE Aug4,’12

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